MCS Certified

Why you should choose an MCS certified installer

Installing technology that allows you to generate your own 'home-grown' energy can make a lot of sense – lowering your energy bills, and making your property warmer and more comfortable. It will also reduce your carbon footprint, contributing to a more sustainable future for our planet.

However, as with any important purchase you make, it’s vital any decision you take is based on accurate information. In particular, you should be clear about how your energy system will perform and what this will mean to you in terms of money. It is also critical that any system you choose is specified, installed, and maintained correctly.

Working with an MCS Certified Installer is the simple way you can ensure this happens.

What it means to be certified

MCS is a mark of quality, ensuring that the certified products your Installer uses meet high standards for performance and reliability. It also clearly demonstrates that Installers are technically competent, with a commitment to quality workmanship and good customer care.

To become MCS certified involves a rigorous assessment of an Installer’s business practices, and an annual audit of one of their installations to check that it meets the correct MCS Standard. Any MCS Installer you appoint will have direct contact with you and be certified for the specific technology or technologies that they are installing.

Knowing which technology is right for you

However good the technology, if it’s not right for your property or isn’t properly installed, results are likely to be disappointing.

MCS Installers are required to assess your energy needs before proposing a new renewable energy system that will fit your specific requirements. This assessment will consider the size (and therefore, cost) of the system you will need. For electricity, it will also take into account how your energy usage fluctuates throughout the day and over the year. The quality of your insulation will also be an important factor. Your chosen Installer should detail the performance you can expect before commencing any installation.

MCS certification is a requirement if you want to receive payments under the government’s Renewable Heating Incentive (RHI) scheme, or access electricity export tariffs under the Smart Export Guarantee.

While access to an incentive or tariff is an important consideration, we suggest that these are only part of any decision you make over a ‘home-grown’ energy solution. Whether you are looking to reduce your carbon footprint and/or save money on your heating and electricity bills, making sure your energy system is designed around your needs, is of paramount importance.

You should also ask your MCS Installer what maintenance is required for your new system. MCS Installers are obliged to provide their customers with comprehensive handover packs, that include any manufacturer’s user guides and your MCS certificate.

What happens if things go wrong?

By choosing an MCS certified Installer you are benefiting from the peace of mind that comes from employing an Installer whose work is aligned to government-recognised industry Standards

However, even the best Installer can sometimes make mistakes or unfortunately cease trading, after which, you might need to contact them. It is mandatory for all of our MCS certified Installers to be registered with a Trading Standards Institute Consumer Code.

These Codes are there to ensure consumer protection and your Installer’s membership means that they must go above and beyond their minimum legal obligations.

You should ask your Installer to explain the steps that should be taken if things do go wrong and how your protection will be ensured.

Five reasons to choose an MCS certified Installer

  • Our Installers have undergone a rigorous vetting and application process to become certified with us. This is updated every year.
  • They adhere to MCS defined industry Standards which demonstrate a commitment to quality and performance – reducing your risk.
  • They are also members of a Consumer Code, further strengthening your protection, and guaranteeing the quality of service they should offer.
  • Your eligibility for any government incentives is dependent on obtaining MCS certification.
  • Some home insurance providers and mortgage lenders require MCS certification. This can impact both running costs and property resale values.

A positive choice

In selecting an MCS Installer, you will be making a positive choice in a number of ways. You will have peace of mind knowing that you will be working with a quality business committed to installing home-grown energy to the highest standards in your property.

You can also be sure that you will have proper protections and safeguards should any problems arise. Finally, you’ll be playing your part in contributing to the UK’s low-carbon targets and a more sustainable future for our planet.

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